Wednesday 26 February 2014

Check out some of the exciting learning we have been doing together...

We have been working with others

 We have been persistent

 We strive to learn forever

 We have been thinking flexibly to create roads, carparks and bridges for toy trucks

 We have come up with new ideas

 We have been listening to each other really well

We have been using our past knowledge during 'doctors' role-play 

 We love reading together!

 We are learning to be persistent 

 We show respect to our teacher and our classmates

This is our Super Thinking Squad Treaty that we came up with together and signed.  We strive to follow the rules properly every day.

We absolutely LOVE swimming!  We have been learning how to do dolphin dives under water, float on our fronts and backs and glide across the pool in the streamline position.

We have been learning to manage ourselves such as during fruit and milk time

We have been creative and innovative!  Leo is creating his own pirate flag.

 We are making treasure by painting rocks

 We have been finding WOW!

 We have been creative and innovative such as making Mandala art using sand, glass beads, rocks and shingle.

 Charlie created a treasure map

 Leva made a pirate flag

Mr Mac's Farewell Assembly

Today we helped to celebrate the wonderful work Mr Mac has done at our school.  We performed a funny song for him which he really enjoyed watching.  We even wore Mr Mac masks!  Watch our performance here: